
Category: Uncategorised
Published on Thursday, 11 October 2012 11:59
Written by Super User
Hits: 10420

Jóvenes estudiantes saharaui de arte, refugiadas en campamentos de Tinduf, participan en un proyecto colectivo.

ARTifariti is a Festival of Art and Human Rights which aims to give visibility and voice to the Saharawi people, a cummunity that survives between occupation and exile claiming through artistic practices the right of individuals and peoples to their land, their culture, their roots and their freedom.

This project have sporadic colaboration from some institutions and organizations, survives mainly through the support of volunteer artists, filmmakers, production personnel, defenders of human rights and the strong commitment of the Sahrawi cultural authorities and friends of the Saharawi people.

Just celebrated its sixth edition and with major accomplishments in its trajectory, popular support seems to be the only way to survive without limiting its freedoms. We expect and appreciate your cooperation.